James is a 14 year old boy who travels with his Papa to the Pink Terraces to sketch them. He meets a boy called Will who lives near the terraces. James becomes good friends with Will. He invites Will to camp with him on the terraces.
Deep below Mt Tarawera, volcanic forces gather and it erupts. When it erupts James is at Will's family's house. They run for cover but along the sticky mud-filled track he can't find Will but he finds him again and they hide in the livery stables.
Some of the people staying in the same hotel as James and his Papa find them and tell him his Papa is missing.
They go on to Guide Sophia's house and papa is not there. When the volcanic ash stops falling they find Papa in a collapsed house alive.
My Opinion:
Overall, I think that Fire In The Sky was a great book.
I suggest this book for 9-11 year olds who like to know about history.
I rate this book worth 6 clouds and I give it a 'golden cloud' for the fact it is a recollection of history.
By Hayden.
Title page by Karen.
I enjoyed reading about Tarawera, as I know the area quite well Hayden.
Good posters Karen and Dean
I was pleased to see this book being read and reviewed. You three probably remember how much I like historical fiction. Well done all of you.
nice picture hadyen i like what you have done
nice handwriteing
all of thease are really good
Dean and Karen
Your pages were very very nice
Was it a good book?
thank u mrs bodley and mrs mckenzie and adam
It's a pleasure Hayden!
well done dean, haydenand karen for making good posters and dean your wanted poster is so cool
I like the urm.... poster? And I like chocolate cake!!!!
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