
KARENE-From the book: The Golden Compass : No . 2 :The Subtile Knife and

This is a great book.
It has lots of adventure and I'm only half way through the book!
The people in the book aren't like us.
They have small animals called daemons that can transform into any animal they like.
If the daemon i cut away from them they die. As humans grow older the Daeemon starts having its very own form. So someone that is brave may have a a lion as a Daemon and so forth.
So the main part of this book is about a society that are called the Genaral Oblagation Board. People call them Gobblers because they steal children to test on. They test on the children because of a subtance called Dust. Many people think Dust is Bad. But it isn't . It is actually a way to find out about the future and how to get to other worlds that are hidden in ours.
There is little girl , the age of ten, that has the power of dust. Her name is Lyra.
She poses the alethiometer. The alethiometer is controlled by Dust. The alethiometer looks like a compass. But instead it has many pictures and three needeles. To work the alethiometer you must turn the three needles to certain pictures that mean the question you are asking it. Them the main needle will turn to many pictures that will give you the answer. You must have a book to answer to be able to read the answer. This is why Lyra is special. She can read the alethiometer without having the book. She hasn't ever read the book either. So the aletiometer is a truth teller.

Lyra has been fortold by witches. Serafina Pekkala , queen of a clan of witches , helps Lyra through out her journey.

Iorek Byrison , a bear and king of Syvalbard (the kingdom of bears) , is Lyra 's protecter. He will go anywhere. Even to other worlds.

Will is a boy that Lyra has met in a new world that she has travelled to. He met her at a new world. Not his own world but at a different world that Lyra and Will don't know. Because they are both from a different world. There are three worlds.Will and Lyra's are similar in ways. Lyra's world is set in the old times and has scholars and old artefacts. But in Wills world it is more modern. But Wills word also has buildings that Lyra has in her world.

Will has murdered a man because they are after his mothers small green box. In it it has letters that his father (a lost explorer) write to her. The letters all contain information about Dust and about the windows to new worlds. That is how Will has travelled to this new world.

Will and Lyra travel back to Will”s world through the window that Will came through.
Lyra has met a scientist that knows about Dust. She calls it Shadows. She has made a computer that can reads questions through the mind. Like the aletiometer.
Lyra is convincing her to make it use words not shapes.

That is as far as I have got.
I suggest you read the trilogy. They are great books.

By : Karene.

1 comment:

daniel said...

good book you chose karenethe gloden compess was a great book to read but my mum said i can't read the golden compess